CORONAVIRUS INFO: Because of the current coronavirus epidemic, the on-line booking of appointments will be temporarily discontinued. Consultations will continue as usual, but scheduling methods need to be adapted. Most importantly:
- Appointements will be scheduled by phone, text message or e-mail. Please leave a message with your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
- My daily schedule will be divided into two parts: one tine slot for sick patients and one for healthy children.
- If your child starts showing symptoms before you "healthy" appointment time, please call me so I can reschedule you to a "sick" appointment time.
- My usual waiting room is now reserved for well-being children/checkup patients. A waiting area has been set up at the front of the practice. This separation is critical to the virus containment requirements during the current epidemic, so I strongly urge families to be respectful of this new setup and not give sick children access to the rear waiting room.
In addition:
- I will continue to see as many patients as I can but please understand that the increase in consultation needs may affect my availability and limit the openings in my schedule.
- In order to keep up with the necessary disinfecting routine, I need to drastically limit the amount of toys available to children in my waiting room. Please bring your child's favorite toys with you, if they need some while they wait.
- All practitioners have been asked to limit the number of visitors to their offices. Therefore please limit the attending adults to one per child.
- Diapers could be vectors for the coronavirus. Please bring trash bags with you to your appointment and take soiled diapers away for disposal outside of my office.
Some consultations require more time than others. May I kindly ask that you schedule the appropriate type of consultation according to your child's need, and plan one time slot per child in case of siblings.
Please do your best to be on time for your appointment. A late arrival will have and impact on the amount of time I will have for you, or on the following consultations of the patients following you.
If there are no more available appointment time slots, or in doubt about which type of consultation to schedule, feel free to contact me.
Consultation may be payed in cash, or via your e-banking app.

For any patient visiting my office for the first time, may I kindly ask that you also schedule a "first appointment", in order for me to have enough time to review your child's medical and personal history.
For any other patient visiting my office for the first time, may I kindly ask that you also schedule a "first appointment", in order for me to have enough time to review your child's medical and personal history.The first appointment after birth is an important consultation: for the new-born who requires a specific and detailed exam, for the parents who usually have many questions after returning home and leaving the maternity ward where help and advice were easily at hand, and also for the pediatrician who gets to know a new family. For all these reasons, I always make sure to secure a longer time slot than for regular consultations. Feel free to come with a list of questions if need be.​
Schedule your appointment ​

As your child grows, it is necessary to schedule regular appointments, at specific ages. These consultations are particularly important, and frequent when your child is between 0 and 2 years old, where his/her growth and development are monitored, and vaccination delivered. This follow-up goes up to teenage, where a few more vaccinations, and important stages of development take place.
Schedule your appointment

Besides newborns who must be seen within 24 hours in a case of fever beyond 38°C, most sick children can be seen within 24 to 48h at most, without any risk for his/her health. If you are in doubt about the degree of emergency with which your child needs to be seen, you may contact me by phone or by e-mail.
In case of a vital emergency, of a newborn with fever or sever trauma, you must bring your child to the nearest hospital emergency ward which has a 24 hour pediatric service available.
Schedule your appointment